Wednesday, February 3, 2010


On September 15, 2010 I will attempt to pass a difficult test to receive another title of achievement in the world of wine. This title is Certified Wine Educator (CWE). I've been actively studying wine for about a year now. By "actively" I mean buying more books, taking notes, and taking practice tests. Last May I tested and passed an exam to become a Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW). This title is to show a high level of academic knowledge of wine, wine making, and regions. The next test is to show a very high level of academic knowledge as well as an educated palate.

I've been interested in wine for a few years now, but back then I didn't seem to realize how intriguing the subject is, and how easily it would pull me in. There is so much to learn about wine. It is an endless education process. Besides having to learn all the basics and past great wines, I have to keep up with each year: new vintages, weather, new laws, etc. This requires a lot of reading, tasting, and talking about wine. This is what brings me here. I would like to share what I am learning as well as answer questions to help sharpen my educating ability and experience. I look forward to sharing and hopefully finding followers who share my interest in wine or would like to learn more about this delicious education.


  1. Thats great!! Good luck on your test! I would like to know a little so I could at least order some at dinner, teach me.

  2. How marvelous!!!! The universe of wine is absolutely fascinating...and...delicious. I've been wanting to get my cerifications for YEARS and i just keep procrasinating. Any suggestions on a book or two that i should start with?
    Thanks, Congrats, and Good Luck!!!

  3. Good luck, I've added you to my reading list, as I have a blog here as well (crafts).


  4. Neal, Thank you! I would love to teach you. If there's any specific questions just ask and I'd love to post an answer.

    Amanda, the best kind of book for learning would be a comprehensive reference book such as "The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia" or "The Wine Bible" (two I own and enjoy) To get started, though, a book that is also for entertainment is an easier step to learning rather than jumping straight into textbook style studying. I suggest "Educating Peter" I just finished reading it. It's very entertaining, but has a lot of info.

    Julia, Thanks for putting me on your list, I'll be sure to check out yours! :)
